By Pat Palmer, Ed. D.

Liking Myself is a must-have resource for any parent to improve child behavior, heal low self-esteem, and build emotional literacy. The book helps children (5-11) recognize and manage emotions, especially when depressed, upset, or overwhelmed. This social emotional guide helps children build self-esteem and self-confidence teaching them to listen and talk about feelings. Children learn to manage the full range of their emotions, even negative ones like anxiety, anger, depression, and overwhelm, by writing or drawing responses to specific scenarios. The author speaks directly to the young reader in a warm and personal voice, explaining difficult concepts simply and succinctly, and using self-esteem activities to help children learn and grow. Topics include liking yourself, feeling talk, allowing, letting go, and body talk.
“Pat Palmer has the gift of speaking to and for children. In a time when children are bombarded on all sides by destructive media messages, her books help children understand the value of kindness and caring—including kindness and caring for oneself.”Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and The Blade, Tomorrow’s Children, and The Real Wealth of Nations
“Liking Myself is ideal for children who struggle with low self esteem. I have found this book to be especially helpful for children who present with significant depressive symptoms, or are currently grieving.”Ugo Uche, M.S., L.P.C., author of Promoting Empathy With Your Teen blog, Psychology Today
“Liking Myself emphasizes that assertiveness is not aggression, and that teaching children to be strong and self-confident individuals gives them a head start toward a positive attitude for success in later life.”Early Childhood Education Journal
“Liking Myself is one of the best self-help/parenting books I have seen in all my years as a parent and practitioner of conflict resolution. This book supports children in finding and knowing how to restore their dignity.Michelle Brenner, Conflict Resolution Consultant for families, community, government and workplace
“Parents would also benefit from this book…there is no age limit with its benefits.”Debbie Gibson, Children’s Program Director, CCU/CP
“Liking Myself helps improve mind-body connection. It helps children tune in to the state of their bodies before the messages get louder or become painful. One cute drawing created for the Body Talk section shows a child sitting in a chair with little thought clouds coming from various parts of her body that read: ‘I am tight! I am clenched! I am relaxed!’ I highly recommend this book!”Trina Swerdlow, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, author of Stress Reduction Journal
More Reviews
“This fun, happy, positive book is very enjoyable and rewarding to read and discuss with your child.”Vancouver Parent’s Guide
“Liking Myself teaches kids the importance of being true to themselves, feeling free to like the things that like, and how to be confident about themselves. Two thumbs up from me. They are fantastic books.”Kimberly, SheScribes“There are no adequate words to tell you how fantastic and helpful Liking Myself is.” Lori B., reading partner to second graders, NYC Schools
“The important message in Liking Myself is for every person of every age and would prevent a lot of psychological disorders and depression in teen and adult life: It is OK and healthy to LIKE YOURSELF. I highly recommend this book as a MUST, not only for your child but also for yourself as a person and parent and for every teen. Everyone needs this book!”Bonnie Neely, Amazon reviewer
“I bought Liking Myself about 15 years ago when my daughter was four. I found it and started to read it. I’ve been in counseling for codependency and emotional abuse issues and at age 54 find this book amazing! It’s funny, because in my group we just finished talking about all the things you talk about in your book, specifically being your own best friend. It made a big difference in my life.” Dianne, mother
“This book gives clear understanding and positive guidance to appreciate yourself. It helps you think and develop your self-acceptance. Great for children and adults.”Emma L., Amazon Reviewer
“A great book to help youngsters learn about feelings. Simple enough to go through quickly with well done graphics. I recommend it.”Carol Ann Brady, Amazon Reviewer
“Liking Myself made me feel a million times better about myself. It helped me get rid of negativity and appreciate the little things in life!”Amazon reviewer
Reviews By Kids
“I have learned a very important thing. To express your feelings, you must not blame others. I have become able to express my thinking better than before and I like myself better now. I have become gentle. I used to lie, but now I don’t.”Akiko, student in Japan
“I thought it was very relaxing to know that I can control my own thoughts and choices.”Danielle
“Now I can control my feelings of anger and embarrassment. Also now I know how to take deep breaths before taking a test or doing an act in a school play.”Stella
Teacher’s Guide
Our free Teachers Guide provides lessons for each chapter, allowing students time to explore concepts in greater depth and gain a deeper understanding.
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This fun-filled, charmingly illustrated book is full of ideas and exercises to improve self-esteem and assertiveness, and build emotional literacy and communication skills. Children learn to listen and to talk about their feelings. They also learn how to handle themselves when they feel upset or overwhelmed by encouraging them to write or draw their responses to specific scenarios. Improves relational skills and overall well-being.
Also Available in Spanish!
“Su libro es una enseñanza muy buena para mi en mi vida personal. Muchas gracias.”Odilia
Liking Myself and the companion book, The Mouse, the Monster and Me help youngsters develop social and emotional skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
About Pat Palmer, Ed.D.
A therapist and former director of the Assertiveness Training Institute of Denver, Pat Palmer was a clinical psychologist who wrote many books for children, teens, and adults. She lectured throughout the U.S. on assertiveness and personal development. In addition to raising two daughters of her own, she worked professionally in a wide variety of children’s programs, including the New Jersey Youth Employment Services, the YMCA and the YWCA.