World Children’s Day

Let the kids know they matter.

Happy Day of the Child!

Know how kids ask moms and dads on their holidays, “when’s Children’s Day?” And parents say, “Every day is Children’s Day!” Well, it shouldn’t be a well-kept secret that November 20th is actually World Children’s Day! Kids are really worth celebrating…and childhood is something we must care for universally.

November 20th was chosen by the United Nations to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989.

UNICEF offers a kid-friendly version of that vital document, (which has yet to be ratified by the United States), a video you can watch with your children, crucial conversation starters, and more on its World Childrens Day page.

One of our publishing partners, Spiraling Music, just released the script and score of a children’s musical that highlights this visionary document. Please share this special discount with anyone you know who might be looking for theater projects for youngsters.

Use this link for a 15% discount on the musical, Everybody’s Everybody, by Merrill Collins

Below is an excerpt from the book, reprinted with permission of the publisher:


100 years ago, before there was a United Nations (1942) or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the League of Nations adopted the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child, which basically stated that humanity “owes to the Child the best that it has to give.” This 1924 declaration articulates that children need priority, protection, and a dignified upbringing. The UN adopted this declaration in 1959, but the idea got real teeth in 1989, when it became the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a convention being different from a declaration in that it moves from being an ideal to being the law. For the past 35 years now, the world has begun the process of making sure children are legally protected everywhere in the world.

There are 41 rights listed in the CRC, many of them (like the right to identity, nationality, and freedom from discrimination) echoing the UDHR. Some of them are very specific to children, such as Article 27, which states that children have the right to food, clothing and a safe home. Articles 12 and 13 that say children have the right to express their views. Article 42 states that everyone needs to know what the rights of children are.

Author and composer Merrill Collins took these mandates to heart when she and her collaborator, Fredrick Gums, who were running an arts program for kids to teach concepts in Peace, created this poignant children’s musical. They wrote it with children, in the voices of children, for audiences of children, all of whom are trying to understand this grownup world and problems like poverty and hunger. And they wrote it as a fundraiser to help children who were experiencing famine. The brilliance of this co-creation is, to quote actor Jeff Bridges, that “poverty is a very complicated issue, but hunger isn’t.” It empowers every single person involved in the production to help raise awareness, and raise money, and simply send food to those who need it.

The musical is beautiful. The staging is imaginative. Best of all, Merrill’s passion for educating communities about key world agreements through music is infectious. This guide provides detailed instructions that make the production simple and strong, including activities to engage children about The Rights of Children, and impactful information to provide during intermission. When children understand Children’s Rights, they become humans who understand Human Rights. And as we move forward on this magnificent project of creating a world where everyone has dignity, the planet becomes a more respectful, safe, optimistic, and beautiful place where “everybody’s everybody.”

—Kristen Caven, playwright and co-author of The Bullying Antidote and The Winning Family: Where No One Has to Lose,

The Winning Family Audiobook

Coming soon!

Exciting news! We’re launching an audiobook of The Winning Family in 2025!

We are delighted to announce the forthcoming release of the audiobook edition of The Winning Family: Where No One Has to Lose by Dr. Louise Hart and Kristen Caven, published by Uplift Press. Narrated by the authors themselves, this audiobook promises to be a transformative listening experience for anyone with a family.

The Winning Family isn’t just another parenting manual; it’s a comprehensive guide that offers practical strategies and profound insights into personal growth as a parent as well as building strengths in chidren. Hart and Caven draw upon their expertise to provide readers with invaluable tools for nurturing strong, resilient families where every member feels valued and supported.

Listen to a sample chapter on Substack

The Winning Family audiobook invites listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, offering practical strategies and heartfelt wisdom for creating a family where no one has to lose. Our goal with this audiobook is to reach even more parents and grown children, and empower them to create the relationships they want to have.

Narrated with warmth and authenticity, Kristen Caven brings each chapter to life with her engaging and sometimes comedic energy, which readers will experience more of through her interview podcast, The Whining Family. Julianne Idelman of Hand in Hand Parenting says, The Winning Family is a book you will return to again and again for Hart’s reassuring words, lighthearted confidence in the love of parents for their children, and down-to-earth ideas about making the parenting journey a path to self-discovery.”

Pre-orders for the The Winning Family audiobook are now available. Reserve your copy in advance at a discounted price, and be the first to listen when it arrives!

“What can I say, this book is life changing. If you truly care about the happiness of your children and the world they live in, this book is for you. This book can be use as a daily resource for parenting improvement and a fun text to help you and your parenting partner to bond, heal and improve your life as a parent.” —J.M. Madrigal

“Even with two small children under the age of three, I read this book in only a few days. I couldn’t put it down, and when I did, I couldn’t wait to pick it up again! The Winning Family should be required reading in all high schools and colleges.”—Lisa L. Wharton, NJ

“My husband and I were on our way to separating. But since reading this book and learning how to listen and deal with feelings, we have worked through so many problems. It has saved my daughters from growing up with divorced parents.”Tiffany, mother


Back in Print: Liking Myself

Understanding and Managing Our Feelings

Joining The Mouse, the Monster, and Me back on the shelves, Uplift Press is so excited to announce the return of Liking Myself by Dr. Pat Palmer as part of our new “Me, Myself, I” series.

This comprehensive book about understanding and managing feelings is also illustrated by artist Sue Ramá, and this edition sports a brand new, beautiful cover with three kids giving themselves and each other “thumbs up.”

Teachers, parents, and school counselors love using this book to help youngsters learn how to assert themselves appropriately, building self-esteem and safer, happier relationships. There’s a free teachers’ guide available on this website.

Get your copy today!

Sneak Peek!

In upcoming months, watch for the re-release of the Spanish version of this book, with gorgeous new cover art by artist Sue Ramá.

These books are part of the new “Me, Myself, I” series, which will grow to include stand-alone sections of both books as well as a book for pre-schoolers.


A Read-Along of The Mouse, the Monster and Me

A great gift idea!

During the pandemic, a school counselor read The Mouse, the Monster and Me to second graders over Zoom. 

Here’s the link to buy a copy for your child, child’s teacher, or school counselor. Recommended ages 7-10.

The Winning Family: Where No One Has to Lose is a more in-depth guide for helping parents build their own self-esteem skills, being more “Me” than monster and mouse.

Spring SALE

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Child abuse happens when things go terribly wrong. Parents need to know it’s all about prevention, and they can make a difference. Because we want to put The Winning Family into every parent’s hands, the ebook is on sale this week for 99¢! 

An excerpt from Parenting and Empowerment, Chapter 15 of The Winning Family:

Violence: The Abuse of Power

Understanding power dynamics is crucial for a safer world. A 1992 study revealed that, of all the industrialized nations, the United States was the most violent, and since then, police violence has increased (disproportionately so against Black Americans). Worldwide, women and children are the primary victims of violence, and men are the primary perpetrators. Conditioned to accept violence and trained to commit violence, many men have difficulty talking about how it affects them—as perpetrators or as targets, when they are victims of child abuse, rape, or war.

Violence is the number-one health hazard in this country, more threatening than cancer, heart disease, or even automobiles. Here are some 2020 statistics.5

  • Terrorism is on the rise worldwide, with far-right extremism on the rise in the United States and beyond.
  • One in three women worldwide suffer physical or sexual abuse by an intimate partner.
  • Since 1963, four times more teens have been killed by guns at home than soldiers killed in all wars since then combined.
  • Over 60 percent of women have experienced violence online (and 6 percent of men).
  • Mass shootings are now so common that many aren’t even reported in the news.

Every family has to deal with violence in some form or another, within the home, among extended family, in the community, or on the news. Children raised in violent homes learn violence as a way of life, doing unto others what was done unto them or what their parents did to each other, unless they find safety in which to heal and make new choices. Many boys raised in violent households become perpetrators, while their sisters learn to accept abuse as normal.

The Mouse the Monster, and Me – text by Pat Palmer, illustration by Sue Rama

Violence of all kinds is reaching epidemic proportions in US families, and it does not stay within families. Childhood maltreatment roughly doubles the probability that an individual engages in many types of crime.6 Because violence creates ripples, domestic violence is not a private family problem. It affects all levels of society.

Violence has become so widespread in our society that we have come to accept it as normal, but it not normal. In fact, America is below average compared to other developed countries, according to the International Peace Index.7

Raising children with positivity will not protect them from all bullying and violence, but it absolutely builds resilience and instills a respectful and compassionate moral code, plus a sense of empathy and justice.

If you live in an abusive home, be responsible for your own safety and that of your children. You must find someone to talk to. You must get help. Visualize what you want for yourself, and muster your courage to make a change.

Timing is important. Protect yourself and your kids from harm. This is your right and your responsibility.

If you were raised in an abusive family, instead of repeating past mistakes, learn from them. Remember what it was like for you. Instead of wounding your children, heal yourself. You didn’t deserve abuse; neither do your kids. Seek information. Get help. Find supports. Believe in yourself. Be smart as you build your inner strength and skills. Develop a vision of hope. You can move away from past destructive patterns and create a positive healthy future for yourself and your beloved children.

The Winning Family ebook
is on sale for a limited time for 99¢!

Order today at Amazon or Barnes & Noble


Kids can learn violence prevention skills by understanding power dynamics and how to manage them. Get The Mouse, the Monster, and Me for a child you love today! 

Kicking off a New Edition!

The Winning Family rides again

Big news!

A new edition of The Winning Family will be coming out this fall. Louise and Kristen have been pouring over every chapter  to update this beloved classic for a new generation of parents, in celebration of The Winning Family’s 35th anniversary, we invite you to follow our Kickstarter and get connected with all of our positive parenting resources.

If you would like to get behind the idea that families should be places of positivity and growth for kids and parents alike, we invite you to back this project on Kickstarter!

Whether or not you choose to back this project, we urge you to see the video. The book is full of so many much-needed ideas, techniques, and guidelines for parents that you might also want to support the project on behalf of a friend or family member.

Check out our chapter list for all of the areas of parenting we cover: 

  1. The Idea of Winning
  2. You Are Creating a Masterpiece
  3. The Greatest Gift: Self-Esteem
  4. Building Self-Esteem
  5. Self-Esteem Protection Skills
  6. “I Know They Love Me, But I Don’t Feel It.”
  7. Listening Skills
  8. Asking and Refusal Skills
  9. Dealing with Feelings
  10. Coping Skills for Stress
  11. The Power of Words
  12. Parenting Responses that Affect Self-Esteem
  13. Parents Are Leaders: Re-Visioning Your Family
  14. Parenting Leadership Styles
  15. Parenting and Empowerment
  16. Family Boundaries
  17. Discipline Without Damage
  18. Problem Solving
  19. Touch is Vital
  20. Beliefs & Believing
  21. Monkey Talk
  22. Who’s Pulling Your Strings?
  23. Obsession With Perfection
  24. Internal Barriers to Self-Esteem
  25. External Barriers to Self-Esteem
  26. Cultural Barriers to Self-Esteem
  27. Guidance in the Digital Age
  28. The Power (and Pleasures!) of Play
  29. Bodies and Brains
  30. The Fractured Family
  31. Extending Your Family
  32. When Everybody Wins

Available wherever books are sold!

Book Blowout!

Liking Myself bulk discounts for schools & social services

In preparation for a new edition of Liking Myself, we have the opportunity to sell these endearing books at deep bulk discounts to social service organizations and associations helping children and families. 

Liking Myself by Dr. Pat Palmer is an encouraging book and a valuable resource for building self-esteem and emotional stability in children 5 to 11 years of age. By writing or drawing responses to a variety of self-esteem activities, children develop social and emotional skills. The book teaches children to listen to and talk about feelings. They learn to manage the full range of their emotions including anxiety, anger, depression, and being overwhelmed, without hurting others.

93 pages (English)Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!icon-amazon
ISBN-10: 1892421534ISBN-13: 978-1892421531
8×6″ $12.99
Age Range: 5 – 11 years
Editions: Impact > Uplift Press > Boulden Publishing (2011)

Bulk Price List for Liking Myself (list $12.95)

          • 6-25 copies $4.95 each

          • 26-60 copies $3.95 each

          • Case of 60 for $175

Tax and shipping rates apply.

This offer is time-sensitive—please contact us by October 20th !

New eBook! “I Know They Love Me, But…”

More love for the holidays!

Coming together with family can be wonderful—or stressful, especially during the holidays.

Everyone needs love, but communicating love can be difficult.  If we don’t know how, our family may not feel loved.  This simple guide for parents can be a refresher, or can open your life to more happiness and joyful connections. 

Families that communicate love are more relaxed—and more fun—to be around! 

This book is FREE for Christmas! Use the coupon code “SW100” at this link between Christmas and New Year’s, 2019 — or get it for 99¢ anytime.

For more love, click here.


Cinderella with a Soul

A fresh take on a classic you’ll never forget

We are proud to announce a new edition of The Souls of Her Feet this summer! This Cinderella send-up by Kristen Caven is our first novel. A fairytale ending is always uplifting, but there’s something special about this version, which includes plenty of self-esteem building and creative problem solving.


Continue reading “Cinderella with a Soul”