Available for keynotes, workshops and playshops, special events.
Interactive presentations that illuminate, inspire, enlighten, and amuse.
Topics: positive parenting, creative artistry (storytelling, drama, literature, cartooning, dance, fashion), relationships, self-discovery, critical thinking, happiness, wellness & flourishing.
Kristen is an experienced performer, director, and educator who creates emotional experiences, sparks new ideas, and promotes vitality through her books, classes, and presentations. Contact Kristen here.
Past Keynotes:
“Sustainable Storytelling” for the California Writers Club, Earth Day 2022
“The Fountain of You” for Wellness Week at The Bellevue Club, January 2018
“Back to School but Not Back to Bullying”— Oakland Natives Give Back Attend & Acheive Rally, August 2017, Frank Ogawa Plaza.
Mills Strike Reunion, 2010, 2015 – Dramatic cartoon readings from Inside the Mills Revolution, 1990
The Zorgos Awards, honoring local heroes who are the antidote to bullying, highlighting prevention concepts that work. October 15, 2017
La Dolce Vita Convivium, an exploration of the sweet and savory sides of life in concert with jazz singer Sara Klotz de Aguilar and opera singer Alexandra Alise. August 9, 2017
The Souls of Her Feet SHOE SALONS™—Unique author readings in homes, bookstores, libraries and shoe stores that include readings of The Souls of Her Feet… and audience interviews about their own shoe stories. Where did those shoes take you?
Invocation—a poetry accompaniment to a classical music performance, including a lecture about the psychology and spiritual landscape of climate change.
The Vesuvian Affair—book reveal at An Afternoon at Caffe Florian carnevale party, as Cosima Zanardi
Joaquin Miller (went Walkin’)—a song about the Oakland Hills, performed multiple times at music festivals, audiences at Woodminster Amphitheater and around Joaquin Miller Park.
A veteran Zumba instructor, Kristen can enthuse and engage large crowds, instigate dancing and movement, and lead stretches.
For Parents:
- Bully Prevention through Positive Parenting (2 hrs)
- The Meaning of Zorgos (45 min.)
- Raising an Upstander (30 min.)
- The Power of Zorgos (30 min.)
- Hosting The Zorgos Project — helping parents set up reading groups to solve problems created by bullying dynamics. Based on book, The Bullying Antidote.
For Creatives
The Flourishing Artist— positive psychology skills for creatives taught through a six-week creative growth program.
For Everyone:
Fiberlicious! A 6-week nutrition coaching program that will take the guesswork out of choosing foods, providing tools for understanding food and the importance of carbs. Yes, carbs.
90-minute Dance workouts on a theme; burn 1000 calories with education and self-expression! “Ten Decades of Dance” | “Around the World in 80 Minutes” | “I Am Woman” | “Devil’s Music” | “Salute to America” | “Black Music Matters” | “Vamp Camp”
Most-requested songs: “My Shot” | “No” | “I Am Woman“
Momedy Hour – creator and host of a comedy open mic for anyone who is or has a mother.
Poems, stories, and book excerpts for community, literary arts events and fundraisers. See listing here.
Ask Kristen to Emcee, Hostess, create Programming, or make a Special Guest appearance.
Other Presentations:
My Homemade Hybrid presentations for new drivers about the 10-second rule of fuel conservation, and kicking the idling habit. (As seen at the YES Conference 2017.)
- Classroom readings of Little Pig’s Busy Day an interactive storytelling & sequencing lesson for k-2 classes that the kids love! See article.
- Bitches to Witches Releasing conflict, embracing power for young women.
- Deconstructing the Deco Diet — a lecture about women’s history through the lens of vintage cookbooks (As seen at Miami Beach, San Francisco Art Deco Societies); includes dramatic recipe readings by participants.
- Anything related to her books and writing.
“Kristen was a wonderful speaker, full of genuine smiles and a nice sense of humor about life” — Wendy Bartlett
“Humorously honest and honestly humorous.” —Laura Nicodemus